First week of January 2019 is gone.. What new goals & habits have you set into motion? Still deciding? I want to put it out there it's never too late for a new goal or direction you've chosen.
However many people put too many goals on their plate as new years resolutions. This is ok, if it doesn't overwhelm you. You should be motivated by the goal, not crushed. Scrolling through Instagram you might even get overwhelmed with the vast amount of posts telling you to do more, lose more, commit to more.
Do less! Yes, I'm serious. Setting yourself up to achieve your goals can be as easy as not overwhelming yourself with them. #goalsetting #achieveit
I'm all for goals and self-improvement, but I challenge you to take a breath, choose just one that you can commit to, and set a plan to make it happen.
One achievable resolution? Say it with me.. ONE achievable resolution. Can you feel your anxiety going down a notch?
But how do you create major life changes with just one goal?? By just that, one goal at a time! When you achieve one, set that bar one notch higher & roll right along building a better you!
You can do it, and my goal is to help you!