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Day #31 - Quincy to Springfield, IL

106.3 mi, 2,684ft gain, 63-85F / sunny & humid

Day 31 - to Springfield, IL

Heading out of town we hit some climbs right away. They were those medium hills that have you shifting a lot. Tons of farms again. Big views and lots of humidity.

I rode by the Quincy Regional Airport and vaguely remember coming here as a kid with my dad. I remember him asking me if I’d like to go to Quincy with him for the day. I remember sitting outside an office room while he had a meeting. I think I was about 5… it took me 35 years but I’m made it back here. Haha!

Huge tractors are seen in the fields daily. I find them mesmerizing. There will be nothing for miles, then one person out there making all those crops happy and healthy. Occasionally they’re on the road with us as they move to different fields. I always wave and they seem somewhat indifferent by a random cyclist riding by.

The route is the 3rd 100+ mile day, 106. Things were going as smoothly as they could until around mile 70 for me. We had no shoulder, it actually dropped down about 4 inches and into thick gravel for about 2 feet then fields.

As I rode I heard a semi start to honk. I’m thinking ok, I know you’re there please pass when you can. I look up to see a car coming in the opposite lane with semi truck still on the horn solid. Little car keeps coming at me, honking semi keeps coming at same pace based on sounds of horn blaring at me.. I had to make a decision. I was forced off the road.. my bike jumped the little lip of the road and slid in the gravel. Luckily I unclipped as I did this instinctually which helped me stay upright. Within seconds the semi, still on the horn, went past me. My adrenaline was so high all I could do was scream “WTF you have brakes!!! You could’ve kill me!!” with my arms well above my head. I think I screamed mean things towards a now empty road for a full minute.

I got myself together and tried to shrug it off. I biked on about 2 miles. I guess my mind wondered and I didn’t notice something sharp on the ground. Instant flat; tire had been cut. So now I’m on the side of the road again with a cut tire. When I looked at it and checked for the item that cut it, nothing. So I thought ok, great I’ll just change this and get rolling. I put the tube in, pump it up with my hand pump, and when I take the pump off.. the stem shoots out with it. Ugh. I hate when the new tubes do this. I think ok, no prob. I’ll fix it, tightening it down with a little tool I have just for this reason. I pump it up and ride away. 3 miles down the road I flat again. Turns out the cut is too big, I now have a pinch flat from same spot. I feel sorta dumb not thinking this would happen. The cut didn’t seem so large when I changed it. Ok, so I’ll use this other tool I have, a tire boot, just for this reason, get new tube in.. luckily the van reaches me at this point to use a real pump. Great, I’m rolling again.

Within 7 miles I can tell the new tube is loosing air. COME ON. At least I was at the stop with the crew. But I’m not going to lie, I started to cry pretty hard. Might have concerned them. It took a few minutes to realize it had nothing to do with the stupid tubes.. I started shaking thinking of the semi that almost hit me. I’ve had this delayed reaction a few times, typically once you’re back in a safe spot your brain processes the fears and emotions. I was off the road with the crew, I was safe.. and my brain processed the situation. People were so nice to offer help and a hug.

Once I got myself together I decided the last flat was a valve issue potentially. The dang tube held air out of the tire. I tried all the tricks to find the leak, turning it all around next to my face and ear.. putting water on it.. pumping it up more to see a spot. Nothing. So I decided I had had enough. I got another tube and put the wheel together. I pumped it up and thankfully the boot with new tube got me the last 17 miles to the hotel. Nothing quite like almost getting hit, frustrating tube / tire problems, and riding 106 miles with wind and humidity. I’m very thankful I’m ok, but I sure could have done without most of that.

The timing delay this caused gave me about 45-60 mins to do laundry, plug in bike gear, shower, and get ready for dinner with family. Springfield being an hour and 15 from my home town, about 10 family members made their way up to cheer me on. It was so so nice of them to come all the way up just to see me for dinner. Lauren and kids decorated their car and set me up with lots of carbs for my hotel chill day. Pop tarts are my go to!

Dinner was very cool, the desert was my favorite. I probably shouldn’t have had two Spritz, but with my day the way it was.. We parted ways and plan to see them on the return drive in about 3 weeks.

Next day is 92 miles.

Total mileage to-date:

2,132.1 mi

Total elevation gain to-date:

69,530 ft

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