76.5 mi, 1,469ft gain, 60-80F/sunny
Another great weather day!! Heck yesss!!
We rolled out of town heading south and then veered eastward towards Indianapolis. The streets we rode on at the beginning were through thick forested areas and had the light coming through them in a “golden hour” sort of way. I loved it, so rarely getting to ride under big trees like this! Again, more fields of corn and wheat.
We did ride through parts of the city, a few areas seem to have fallen on hard times. Windows and doors boarded up, etc. when we got through that, we had a short section of bike path filled by more city.. then bike path through the city on a sort of multi-use sidewalk. These are wonderful for people commuting, but for us it slows you down and has you deal with oncoming walkers with traffic lights thrown in there. I was happy to see the city, but wanted off this path.
The downtown area is very pretty. The buildings are large but not over powering. It would be a fun lay over day spot! On the way to downtown, I took a to detour to the racing stadium, Midway Speedway. It was just a half mile off the route, so I made my way over. I wish I could’ve ridden the track!! Cute little cafes around there with murals as I headed back to the route.
The end of the route today had about 10 miles of bike path. It reminded me of a rails to trails path. It was well marked with signage and a middle line. Occasionally I feel our speeds of riding to be dangerous on these kinds of paths. As a guide I’ve seen more than I need to see of accidents on them. Lots of walkers, light bike users, dogs, and kids.
Before heading to the hotel we stopped for ice cream with some of the ladies on the trip. It was nice to enjoy the good weather. The ladies are all so experienced in business and life. I love to hear their perspectives on various topics.
Tonight’s dinner was pizza, but I decided to head over to chipotle because I love their bowls. It’s my go to after riding. I can get the protein and brown rice carbs so much easier than anywhere else. I’m staying fueled almost too well these last few easy days! Haha
Total mileage to-date:
2,382.2 mi
Total elevation gain to-date: