93.4 mi, 3,980ft gain, 48-75F / fog turned to sunny
I woke up to a thick fog outside around 6am. I didn’t think it would lift before our 7:30 start time. As I headed down to the ride start I planned on it being cold, temps around 48-50F. The route climbed right away, with roller coaster hills all day.. so I wore my brightest kit, a thicker vest, and a warmer hat. This seemed to work. The first SAG was around 35 miles into the ride and I took those warmer items off for the rest of the ride.
Again the route took us past fields, barns, farms, and now a few more neighborhoods. The constant turns and road crossings slow you down, but at least it’s on less traveled roads. The very last 12 miles were on a bike path that looks like a rails to trails route. It had some pretty bridges and railings. It wasn’t too busy, and I got to meet a 5 month old Berner as I neared the end! It made my day.
It took 39 days; today I didn’t really want to ride.. but I would’ve ridden at home if given the chance. I think the difference is not being excited for the route. There were no landmarks to look forward to that we were told of. It felt like a transport day.. have to keep going. With that said, there was nothing wrong with the route, it was an off day for me. I chose to ride solo most of it, I was in a bit of a funk. Time for a rest day and to finish what we started.
I’ve researched a bit for tomorrow and found something around mile 55-56 I would like to go see. I currently have an extra 9 miles planned. 90 or 100.. if it’s fun for me I don’t mind. I’ll see if I can make it happen!
Chipotle & Coldstone for dinner! I find I don’t eat enough if I go to the provided meals. Maybe I’m the odd ball out here.. but knowing what your body needs to ride this mileage is a must.
Total mileage to-date:
2,738.4 mi
Total elevation gain to-date:
Keep your eye on the prize!! You’re so close!!